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ricerca di: Snellgrove David L. - Libri recensiti: 6

Asian Commitment Travels and Studies in the Indian Sub-Continent and South-East Asia di Snellgrove David L.

 In breve: The autobiographical account of the extraordinary career and travels of Buddhist scholar and translator David Snellgrove, spanning his explorations of Central, South and Southeast Asian cultures over a period of 56 years.

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Buddhist Himalaya Travels in Quest of the Origins of Tibetan Religion di Snellgrove David L.

 In breve: Engaged in a major study of Tibetan religion and society which relates Tibetan Buddhism to its origins in India and Nepal, Snellgrove made this journey along the length of the Himalaya range. With 86 illustrations.

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Four Lamas of Dolpo, tibetan biographies di Snellgrove David L.

 In breve: Mi ha permesso di sognare e, nel 1995, giungere fino all'Alto Dolpo assieme agli amici nel primo trekking di italiani fino ai confini fra Dolpo e Tibet.

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Himalayan Pilgrimage A Study of Tibetan Religion by a Traveller Through Western Nepal di Snellgrove David L.

 In breve: Con Himalayan Pilgrimage e Four lamas of Dolpo, Snellgrove aveva iniziato un percorso culturale sviluppatosi letteralmente passo dopo passo attraverso le valli dell’Himàlaya.
The author recounts his experiences traveling across Nepal and shares his observations on the Buddhist culture of its inhabitants.

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Indo-Tibetan Buddhism Indian Buddhists & Their Tibetan Successors di Snellgrove David L.

 In breve: Con Himalayan Pilgrimage e Four lamas of Dolpo, Snellgrove aveva iniziato un percorso culturale sviluppatosi letteralmente passo dopo passo attraverso le valli dell’Himàlaya. Questo volume raccoglie cinquant'anni di studi.

This authoritative and highly illustrated study concentrates on Buddhist philosophy and practice from the eighth to the thirteenth century, when the Tibetans were actively engaged in absorbing and importing Buddhist culture and religion from India. Snellgrove, a renowned Tibetan Buddhist scholar, emphasizes the significant role played by the Central Asian kingdoms along the ancient Silk Route in the gradual process of Tibetan conversion.

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Religion As History-religion As Myth di Snellgrove David L.

 In breve: An eminent scholar’s critical examination and comparison of the teachings of some of the world’s major religions, primarily Christianity and Buddhism, and to a lesser extent Islam and Judaism.

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